

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Could've Been

My niece.  The budding artist.  A contagious energy.  She was filled with kindness, joy, compassion, curiosity, enthusiasm.  She felt things deeply.  She found humor almost anywhere.  She was just beginning to show her talents for visual arts.  She loved people, and cherished her friends so much.  She loved her music, and was drawn to songs with words that moved her.

12 years ago today, I started my Saturday morning with a call home.  We chatted about your volleyball tournanent, and little things.  We said I love you, because you always gave us that gift.  I never dreamed it would be the last time I heard your voice anyway except in my mind.  I'll never see what could've been.

12 years.  We are left to wonder the paths you'd have walked,  the life you'd be building.  But I know you would be what you always were through it all...curious, alternating between cautious and bold, vibrant, and happy.  I know you'd be surrounded with love from all you shared your spirit with.  This is still true, all these years later.

I pulled up some old photos, some of your 'edits' where you incorporated the things that you were engaged in.  I see the potential you had, and all your creativity -- in the memories you left with the simple things you had.  Your friends, a point and shoot camera, a free software app, your music and words, your perspective and spunk.  This is what remains...that spirit.  


The memories of joy, the echo of laughter.  We miss, always, and forever.