When I started this blog years ago in the Bermuda Triangle, lostbutloving it was the perfect tag line. Seems like a long time ago, and perhaps the better tag line these days is Lost...MIA. I got lost in the non-stop demands of work, and all the stressful things that come along with getting older.
I don't know what Found might look like, but am definately looking for that path. I have been slowly bushwacking my way back to self this past month. I realized I miss writing. It doesn't matter if no one reads it. It doesn't matter if I don't have anything exciting to say. I just miss the days where I would site down and jot down some thoughts, or funny stories. Writing helps me store things in my memories. Writing feels like an old friend.
And so, here I am again. I don't know that I can commit to sitting down and writing a blog every day. Or that I am even interesting enough to do so any more. But like anything else, it starts with one post. And heaven knows there are enough random musings in my brain.
At one point this was a daily update for friends who might be far away, a photo collection for those who planned to visit so they could pick which places they wanted to see when they arrived. I guess since I've been MIA for so long, it doesn't have to be anything at all.
So will start with Happy Halloween. Tis the joyous day of the year where it's about as normal as it's going to get to dress up your cat. So I am all over that.