It has been a week of blog abandonment. A combination of plain old busy, bits of adventure, and scheduled laziness have kept me away until now. In a rare move, I booked a week off work with the express intention of getting rest and a well needed break. Normally when I take vacation I try to get on the first plane out after my shift ends and land a few hours before the next shift starts, cramming as much as possible into those treasured hours of freedom. Maybe I am getting old. Maybe I was just that tired. But I decided I just needed a week off.
But before all of that -- there was the Caledonia Ball to attend. A new sparkly dress had been purchased, and we were all gearing up to be working class princesses for a night, Cinderella's waiting for a magical night out. There was no fairy Godmother for magical wand to tap us on the head and supply us with perfect hair, glass slippers, coach and gown...nope, it was wages spent at a store, the old faithful straightening iron, and Helen came through with Xena, our little car for the evening in lieu of horse drawn carriage. Being the shortest of us all, I dubbed Helen Bibbity for the evening, leaving me to be Bobbity, and Siobhan to be Boo. We did clean up rather nice after trading in our scrubs for frocks. Prince Charming, in case you are wondering, was a no show for the event. Except for Carol's Keith of course.
The Fairmont was Christmas Ready for the November 30 Ball |
The Fairmont Princess in Hamilton was the location, decked out in lovely Christmas decorations already. A towering tree glimmering with lights and ornaments, festive bows in the lobby, and off to the ballroom it was. Ready for a night worthy of the Scottish reputation, we clicked along the marble flooring to the ballroom, ready for bagpipe, traditional food and dance, and many cocktails in mind -- for which the Scots also have a long standing reputation for. As we enterred the ballroom, a hostess greeted us, saying "Are you here for the AA conference?" We laughed at the alcoholic anonymous reference at the Scottish Ball and said "Of course, who isn't?" She looked at us, and a few seconds after we passed called out "No, really, this is the Alcoholics Anonymous Conference." We all stopped dead in our tracks, looked back and said "You ARE kidding right?" "No, not at all," she said. The Fairmont, notably, has several ballrooms. "Oh, ok. Well, maybe we'll see you tomorrow then," and off we clicked towards the stairwell to the ballroom on the next level. This time we were greeted by a man in a kilt directing us to the cocktail reception and knew for sure we were in the right place!
"The AA A-List" Helen (Bibbity), Keith, Carol, and Siobhan (Boo)
Note that the AA A-List were the first to arrive at the lovely but still empty cocktail reception |
The cocktail reception was in a smaller ballroom, soon adorned with the Scottish Pipeband, who lit into some Scottish theme music as the VIP's enterred (the Govenor and his entourage), and led us to the larger ballroom where we were seated at our tables of 10 for the event. We had the lovely Beattie, Liz, Rachel, Kim, and Christine as company, although I am remiss to say I am not in possession of any of the group photos taken. We were treated to a choice of red or white wine at the table, and in short order the appetizer of Haggis arrived. My first taste of Haggis, and I can happily report that it did not look in any way shape or form like sheep stomach, nor could any part be discernibly identified as actually tasted pretty good...well, actually, i tasted predominantly pepper, but it was a pleasant surprise! Second course was the Cullen Skink, a really good soup with a strange name -- haddock, potatoes, and skinks or skunks at all. The next course was black pudding stuffed quail and veggies. The little quails looked so small and sad, roasted up for our culinary pleasure, that I had a hard time eating it. I always feel remorse when my food resembles its original and non crispy form. I am not sure if it was that quail has a "gamier" flavour or if that was from the black pudding, but this course tasted a little unfamiliar to me, and being a bit of a culinary wimp, i did not enjoy it as much as the Haggis. To my delight though, the Tipsy Laird was a trifle...jello custard and graham wafer crust soaked in some sort of alcohol. Very tasty.
The pip band leading us to the main event |
The traditional dancing of ceilidh ensued, and the regulars were more than happy to invite the newcomers in to participate. This Cinderella is happier watching than trying to dance, but several from the table gave it a go, reeling and turning in a loop of kilt and gowns. By the stroke of midnight however, Boo and I had the prescence of mind to relocate, knowing that midnight brings a close to the tale. Sadly however, even on a Saturday Bermuda itself turns into a pumpkin by midnight as well. The doors to Harry's were long closed and everywhere else was grumpy and closing up home it was, to remove the glitz and glimmer of the fairy tale that ended just a bit too soon. Perhaps the fairy tale of living on an island is all the magic this girl can handle anyway.
If one decides to belle up for another ball this year though, there is still the fabulously named Hogmanay Ball on New Year's Eve...also put on to the Caledonia Society. It should be said that they put a great deal of time and effort into creating a few special nights in the season for Bermuda, and hats off to the group and their work committee for a job well done. Am glad I was able to experience the ball on my last Christmas in Bermuda.
Boo and Bobbity..princesses for a moment or two |
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