Sunday was my first day off in February. I got to switch the alarm function to off before bed...always a special moment of joy for me. I slept late (minus the early morning feeding of the panthers...anyone who has cats knows there are no exceptions to the dawn feeding ritual), and woke up a second and later time surrounded by tails and paws and the soft buzz of a distant lawnmower. No pounding rain outside. Sunny sounds. I opened an eyeball slowly and saw the soft glow of sunshine coming through the blinds. Goodbye gloomy January!!! February, I hope you are brighter and dryer. Good start so far.
Welcome back blue skies |
The only plans for the day were for brunch at the Four Ways, and of course a Super Bowl party -- both events being farewells to Phil, another friend leaving the island. Sunday brunch is more of an event than just something to snack on. It is the combination of 5-star and buffet put on by fabulous chefs around the island at the major hotels. The Four Ways is my favorite, because it always has fresh roasted carving stations and a grill ready to go, plus sushi and salads, a desert bar as big as each of the other areas...with a chocolate fountain. For ambiance, there is a piano player, and ice sculpture, indoor and outdoor seating areas, and a fish pond.
Some of the grounds at The Four Ways |
I hopped out of bed with the intent to wear a light blue and black dress with short sleeves to celebrate this virtual spring. On pulling it out of the closet the black on the shoulders and sleeves was lightly spotted with little gray specks -- MOULD!! Now, when acting in professional capacity and doing clinical Mycology, I love fungus, aka mould. I love looking at their pretty colors on petri dishes, and watching the intricate design in which their little hyphae and condia unfurl, little characteristics that allow us to visually identify the Genus and species. But as a shop-a-holic who lost a pair of brown suede Nine Wests last year that had been a part of the closet family since the Edmonton days, I DO NOT like fungus in my closet and especially not on my DKNY that I planned to wear. Fear not, I have salvaged it, and it did not spread. The fungus seems to prefer soft fabrics and darker colors. Silk and sequins appear to be fashion fungal kryptonite, so most of my wardrobe is safe. As an aside, the way to avoid fungal fashion flops is to make sure to have a good dehumidifyer, good air flow in the room, and lots of light. Unfortunately the dehumudifyer was not able to make up for the lack of light and ability to open windows in rainy miserable January. Fortunately it was warm enough for a purple maxi dress, my summer wardrobe Old Faithful.
Birds and Jenny's alike were happy with the warm sunshine |
Brunch did not disappoint. With an opening round of Mimosa's I met a few new people, and as one of my fellow brunchers headed for the first round of food, he mentioned he would soon be off to jump out of airplanes. Occassionally over the years, I have heard of a small group of 5 or 6 Zephyr Hills jumpers on the island, and did actually meet one about 2 years back...the others have remained elusively anonymous throughout my 5 years on the island. And Bingo, over sushi and omelettes, I am seated next to a proud owner of a double wide trailer on the dropzone in Z-Hills and fellow 4-way Formation Skydiving freak. Nice treat...I mostly just sat and listened with a smile on my face. Later on, between the roast meats and the chocolate dipped strawberries, creme brulee, and strawberry mousse, the other side of the table was discussing upcoming plans for what can only be called the great Bermuda Redneck Adventure, as they head back to Daytona Beach for the Nascar race for which they have secured a trailer and right to park that trailer inside the race track. We came up with some great fashion ideas involving Daisy Dukes (for the boys) and tux tops, and glittery dresses and stilettos for the girls who will be on the roof of the trailer for the a few safety features. And of course Phil is off to Asia via an around the world ticket, returning back for Cup Match weekend at the end of July. I definitely had the most boring schedule at the table, but I certainly had a lot of fun!
More of the Four Ways Grounds |
After that, there was sufficient time for a pre-Super Bowl nap, and then it was a re-meet for round 2 of the farewell party at Cafe Continental, where the Hovi's generously had the restaraunt provide us gourmet nachos, sliders, wings, and pizzas, and Phil followed custom and had several rolls of drink tickets to give away to the attendees. Bad game, great party.
And that folks, is a little bit more how days in Bermuda are supposed to go than the last dark days I blogged about in January. Welcome February. I am very happy to see you!
Some fellow survivors of January...we all feel a bit wilted, but we made it! |
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