What is the logical thing to do the morning after a hen party? Have a pedicure booked for 9am of course. And so, somewhat tired, I began my day a little earlier than a rational mind would have and headed to the Fairmont Hamilton Princess and the Invermurie Day spa to get my toenails ready for the beach wedding. Despite the 2 cups of coffee they served me during the process, I was still feeling tired and a little overwhelmed, not just from the Hen night the night before, but 3 weeks of off island friends visiting, getting ready to leave Bermuda, long shifts at work. and much more to come. Here's another aside for any of the male readers. Overwhelmed is a term females use when they find themselves emotionally topsy turvy and completely out of sorts. It's the thing that can make a girl who hates pink choose pepto bismal pink as the color for the
beauty technician to color her nails and later find hers self irrationally shedding a few tears into her coffee cup on a spa day and feeling absolutely manic. There is nothing sane or rational about it, and even a little shopping didn't fix it. There are only 2 other know cures (since shopping didn't work), and that's girlfriend time and a nap. Fortunately I had a chance to do both and i am once again rendered mentally fit, or as close as I get, although I will be reminded of what I deemed an exhaustion induced psychotic break for quite some time whenever I look at my feet and those bright pink toes.
Yes, that is my giant, pink tipped foot |
So, with my little bag of goodies from A.S. Cooper on front street, I met up with Siobhan who also had the day off and we decided to lunch at the newest spot in Bermuda, 1609 by the new pool at the Hamilton Princess. The Hamilton Princess is doing some serious renovations this year, both to the rooms and decor of one wing of the hotel, the pool area, and the dining. It is looking fabulous! Why 1609? You will recall from previous blogs that the Sea Venture was built in 1609 as the first of England's new style of ship designed for emigration rather than battle alone. She launched in June 1609 and was headed to the Jamestown colony, but a hurricane forced her out to sea and she wrecked on Bermuda's reef in St. George's on her maiden voyage in July of 1609. And so in 1609, all on board, 150 people and a dog, survived and became Bermuda's first residents, albeit it temporary at this time.
It was lovely. The covered patios afford a wonderful seaside view of the harbour, a cool ocean breeze, and a shaded roof from the sun. The staff was attentive and excellent, and in addition to the 2 hostesses and our waiter checking on us, the manager and the maitre d' did the same. We were only there for lunch, and as a warning one is paying resort prices, but this is not the first or last $20 hamburger I will have in Bermuda, and I think it was my favorite $20 hamburger to be fair.
Girl time at 1609 with Siobhan |
We had a lovely afternoon, and my lovely friend Siobhan as always had a gift in her bag for me -- she bought me a little painting of a Longtail from a Bermuda artist at Harbour nights (knowing how I have struggled to get a good photo of those things). In exchange, I had a bright floral makeup bag stashed with goodies from the cosmetic counter at A.S. Cooper for each of us -- gotta love Bonus Time! She reaffirmed that my madness was most likely temporary, and we had a lovely lunch and catch up before I headed home for some more girl chat with Barb on Facebook, and the end all be all cure for overwhelmedness...a nap!
1609 and almost naptime! |
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