When it comes to photos, I like the colors to be true. I like the original to look exactly as my eyes saw it that day. I don't like to saturate the colors or amp anything up in software, nor do I like losing any of the color due to overexposure or glare. And I don't like black and whites in general. They just never caught my eye, even though I recognized the talent on display with them, and admired artistry in some, I just like color more. Just a personal preference.
Until the other day that is. There on Facebook was one of my friends, nominating me for "5 Days of Black and White," where you post one black and white on each of 5 consecutive days, and nominate a friend each day to do the same. I am not sure if I would have participated had it not been for her photo on that same day. It is THE black and white photo that actually really caught my eye for the first time, the one that suddenly made me get the point of black and white photos.
Sabine agreed to let me use her photo in this blog, so here it is, Sabine MacDonald's photo of Rommy and Zenero. Beyond the obvious contrast of a black horse and a white horse in black and white, the light and shadow, a hint of timeless skies, the sheen on Zenero (black horse) and Rommy acting as Zenero's white shadow -- it all just made me go "Wow!"
Rommy and Zenero by Sabine MacDonald
I knew I couldn't compete with that one, but decided to turn a storm print from this summer into black and white as Day 1 of the challenge. At first I wasn't too excited about it, but when a friend asked me to post the original as well, most people preferred the black and white. In fact, I realized that I did as well. The black and white brought out a little more detail...for example, there is a second strike of lightning forming to the left of the main one which I hadn't even noticed in the original.
Over the next few days, I learned a slow appreciation for the black and white. I went looking for new pictures. It may seem like cheating, but when I saw my black cat Aiden sitting on a white kitty condo against a white wall in all his panther cuteness, I snapped a shot just to see. The eyes are gorgeous in black and white, and the white wall which faded into grey really softened the image.
I also wanted to play with the idea on something really old, something that would have only known black and white photos in its day. For that I chose the USS Friendship, docked in Salem, MA. I thought this ship was built in 1797 when I took the photo, but sadly it is a replica built in 2000.
I also wanted to try a white and grey kitten in black and white. This little beauty was kind enough to model for me.
I did eventually find something authentically old, less than a century, but aged and warped by time. The curving stature of an old barn
The wings of a monarch butterfly stand out wonderfully in this photo....but it was one photo where i couldn't shake my old longing for the vibrant color of nature.
My last modelling attempt was on a fluffy black kitten. This little guy was not interested in modelling, particularly not being adorable and running through the snow despite how hard I tried to entice him. the most rambunctious of all the cats around, he was hardly able to sit still long enough for a snapshot. And he was most interested in chasing my shadow and staying in it. I think he won, I never did get him in the snow, or fully visible in good light...but he is a cutie all the same
I call this next one...The Helper...because he looks willing to shovel snow for cuddles.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled color blog....he is available for adoption
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