

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Thunderbird Falls

 After a too long winter, I decided I am going to have to work up to the hikes a a bit.  So thought I would start with an easy one, Thunderbird Falls.  Starting at a State Park parking lot, it's a relatively easy hike to a little waterfall.  All Trails puts it at 1.8 miles.  It starts with an uphill from the parking lot, but then gives you a few ups and downs along the way.

This is a good, easy, roadside hike for tourists looking to stretch their legs along the way./

I did this one with a coworker, a hubby, and a toddler.  We still had some snow covered slick spots down by the falls, but the main part of the trail was clear.  There are a couple of decks to gaze out over the moderate abyss at the skyline, with some interpretive information about the area for those who want a bit of a reading break after the hill.


We followed the path along the wooden boardwalk to the end, and then looped back down and off to the right on a side trail to get to the base of the falls.  Also a great spot for selfies.

Or if you just prefer the scenery, it's a good spot for that too.  So if you are looking for a short and convenient spot to reconvene with nature without investing a huge amount of time, this is a good walk for you.

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