I feel a little extra quirky today, so we are going to play a game of "Where's Waldo" that evolved with this picture set as well. So, without knowing who Waldo is and where we are, here is the first picture....see if you can find Waldo (hint -- he does not have glasses or a red and white striped shirt)

On this particular day, Siobhan and I are exploring another new corner of the Bermuda tourist map. We are going to Coney Island Park. Now, this was a big of an exploration just to find it, because the map has a green area showing Coney Island park, with a couple of little cartoon trees, but the map doesn't actually show any roads going to it. So we drove along looking for a likely road, but when we got to the Causeway we knew we had missed it, so we turned around at Blue Hole Park and turned around. We scooted back past the gas station and decided to take the next major looking road and just drive til the island ended (which shouldn't take more than a minute or two. We got to a T intersection and saw a playground, so we knew we were in the right vicinity, but we didn't see the trees nor could we see Ferry Reach on the other side, so we knew we weren't quite where the map said to be. So we took a right....and into a no trespassing area that proved to be a limestone quarry. We waved to the no trespassing sign mounted cameras, and carried on. We followed the road in the other direction and shot out into traffic back on the main road. I did a quick turn into someones private yard and aimed the scooter back from whence we came while Shibby waved to any onlookers and yelled "we're lost but loving it!!!" I had to laugh. And so we went back up the road, and were able to see that it was called Coney Island Road, so it is marked for future reference. This time we stayed to the right and followed a coastal road down the hill, past an industrial site, and finally reached the entrance to Coney Island Park. We found what appeared to be a very wide footbridge, and it looked like we would need to walk, as a couple of cars and bike or two were parked here and looking over to what looked like Coney Island Park.
Standing at Coney Island Park looking back at the wooden bridge we crossed |
Of course, I simply revved up the scooter, half closed my eyes, and headed across the bridge. The boards below thundered and clattered ominously....but we made it! Soon after, the other travellers crossed....it appears nobody thought the bridge looked very sound. But the car made it, so it was all good.
On closer inspection, some of the boards look like they are not long for this world |
We were rewarded at Coney Island Park with a nice serene view. This little boat caught my eye, the colors complimented its backdrop.
And do know that you know where Waldo is, or at least that he is somewhere at Coney Island Park, a quiet, off the beaten path spot, can you see him now?
Can you see Waldo? |
From Coney Island Park one gets a nice view of the Causeway, a place free from the sound of traffic and people, but not much else. I think being named after a theme park I expected a scene that conveyed fun, gaiety, action. What I saw is not a bad thing -- serenity, simplicity, solitude. It's just a misnomer today. However, back in the day of the Railway Trail, this was a busy station, and across the pond was the Ferry Reach station, and the Astor estate. I imagine the bustle of the times make it an appropriate name back then. This would be a good picnic, or an afternoon with a fishing pole. We did come across one or two people doing just that. But literally one or two.
The Causeway (aka road going to the airport) |
There might not be official rides at the park, but where there's a will, there's a way! |
What about Waldo. Can you see him now?
Hi Waldo! |
A walkway of sorts extends out into the water. It too is weathered and in a state of decay. I think that is the theme for Coney Island Park. Things look abandoned, forgotten, left to fall into ruin. However, I think there is a quiet beauty in that, and I am glad I laid eyes on it first hand. There was even a dilpated seatless wooden chair on the crumbling walkway.
Ferry Reach from Coney Island Park |
Abandoned boat in an abandoned cove
And so, after a wander around, we said goodbye to Coney Island Park. And of course goodbye to our new friend Waldo.
Bye Waldo!
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