

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Alaska Sea Life Center

Among the many things to do in Alaska is a scenic trip down to Seward.  The Alaska Sea Life Center is a nice place to stop in at.  This center, focussing on education and wildlife rehabilitation, is home to many soulful little creatures.  The first of which I encountered soon through the door.  I think this little guys was a rockfish...and he or she certainly has the eyes of an old soul.  

I then wandered to the window overlooking the seal pool, and saw one seal trying to peacefully enjoy sunning itself of a summer day.  But...we all have one of those 'friends'...this one apparently thinks playing Jaws is funny (not for the average seal I imagine).

In a suelte seal move, 'Jaws' got body slammed back into the pool lol.

I am not sure how the sea anemone's feel about this, but they live in the 'touch and feel' tank.  Fitting because they have so many fingers of their own, but guessing it gets a little old getting poked by preschoolers.  I predict an evolutionary adaptation of eel-like tazers by next summer.

Either way, the anemone's are shiny and silky, every one and an-y-one (pardon the attempt at the pun).

There are also lots of birds at the Sea Life Center.  I am always amazed at the variety of duck like creatures on the planet.  A lot of them definitely look like space-ducks, case in point below.

This puffin is looking a bit grizzled (but hey, that's what Rehab Centers are for, right?)

All the visitors are no reason to get one's feathers ruffled.  This little duck is sleeking down feathers and committed to always looking her finest.

Aaaaaand then there's crazy eyebrow angry duck.  If there are mad scientist ducks, I found one.

Here we have another seal soaking up some sun.

And much to my amazement, deep underwater in the 2 story tank, is it a stingray, is it a mini shark, is it a....wait, what is ithat?

It's a freaking penguin at the bottom of the tank.  So apparently, this is among the things that penguins do, steal fish food from the fish tanks.  I have this image of them just hanging out on iceflows, so, yeah, I guess they have to go somewhere for food.  I just wasn't expecting to see wings and feet in the fish tank lol!

This is the look of the residents when the penguin steals all their food.

A spotted harbor seal cozied up against the glass and wanted belly rubs.  Hopefully it wasn't because it thought I was in similar shape.  I'm going to go with it's just friendly, versus the idea that I look like a fellow seal.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  We are all unique, and I think this little guy has a beauty all of his own.  I would call him "The Professor."

And then of course, there are jellyfish.  Who doesn't love staring at jellyfish (particularly when on the other side of glass).  I can watch these little guys swoosh along for hours.

This little guy was about the size of a mandarine orange.  It just goes to show, it doesn't matter how small you may be in the world, you never know who is being inspired by your light.  Shine bright.

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