

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Front yard Forests

Many years ago a friend told me, always take the place with the view.  Even if it's just a snippet.  You will never regret taking the place with the view.  And I realized after spending a lot of time doing short weekend trips to get away from the city that I was in...the goal should be to wake up in your own bed on Saturday am where you would want to be on vacation.

I have never regretted taking this place with the view.

I decided to make today a little more low key, and just stick to exploring  my own front yard, versus a big hike.  I had not yet ambled down to the river just beyond the front door since all the snow melted.

 Along the way, the bluebells were thriving.  Reminds me of the old folk song "around us for gladness the bluebells were ringing, ah yet little thought I how soon we should part."  Now I have that stuck in my head lol.

The river was peaceful and I spent a little time foraging for cool rocks.  I decided I didn't need bug spray for such a quick walk through the forest.  I was wrong.  I was a fine feast for the skeeters.

Alaska flowers are tough little things.  I don't know what this is, but it is lovely, dug into the scraggly, dry rocky dirt and standing against the wind.

Deeper into the woods all of the lush greenery is reaching for the sun.

I am not positive, but I kind of think these are rosehip flowers.  They are certainly in all the spots I picked rosehips last fall.

All of the stumps have their own little vibrant ecosystem.

The view a couple hundred yards from my front door.  My friend was right.  Always go with the place with the view.  This spot has been such a refuge from the craziness of life and work.  I can wake up any morning and go soak in the view and soothe the soul.

Even found a little patch of lupines out front.  Thank you Alaska for finally giving us a sunny weekend!

Sunny Side Up To Flat Top

Looking up at Flat Top from the parking area for the Sunny Side way up
Flat Top is probably the most well known hike around Anchorage.  There are two routes that take you to a stunning vista from the mountain top overlooking Anchorage.  The road most travelled starts at the Glen Alps Trailhead.  The alternative route is the Sunny Side Trail, which starts off of Upper Canyon Road.  The road is narrow and parking is a bit of a nightmare.  But the trail is a bit better for folks like me who want to avoid the final push up and over a literal rockface of the main side (not to mention there are sections that are a bit gravelly, and I'd prefer to keep my feet and knees stable).

The Sunny Side Trail was indeed that.  It was a glorious day, with highs of 77F...the highest temperatures Anchorage has seen since July 2022.  The trail is rated Hard by All-Trails, and this windier route is 3.8 miles out and back (vs 2.8 on the front side).  The switchbacks are just that hair steeper than hikes like Mt Baldy in Eagle River that you can feel the hike is a bit more intense.

Just a few switchback in, you are already getting great views when you stop to guppy gasp for air like I did.

The first mile and a half is definitely the hardest section...just climbing those switchback to gain most of the 1600 ft altitude gain.  I admit this is only my 4th time doing this mountain.  I did 2 up the main trail, both times failing to scale that final rockface to the top.  And one other time doing the sunny side trail...which I preferred, but still kind of hated because it felt so dang hard on my old self.  However, I was graciously invited to go with the same small group that visited South Fork a couple of weekends ago, so I eagerly joined, despite the 0800 pick up to go to the trail.  I am not a morning person, and sadly, I was so groggy I missed putting my coffee mug under the espresso machine, so I was one shot away from human at the start of the day.  There was obviously no time for once more I was not fueled for speed. 

At the top of the last switchback, you go around a corner, and the last mile is a somewhat more gently incline that winds to cross the little snowpatch, and the winds up the ridgeline to the summit on the left.  I still needed some breaks on this section, it looks deceptively easy.

Stopping to photograph little bundles of wildflowers is another great way to sneak in some extra air and try to let the heart rate drop a bit.  To be fair, this beautiful little patch was photographed by all, even those who weren't gasping for air.

And once at the can overlook the Cook Inlet and the City.

Rollie the dog at the top of the world!  Rollie didn't guppy gasp for air once.  Rollie is my hero.

Looking down towards where the main trial starts from Glen Alps trailhead.  Anchorage is in the background.

And of course, to me, looking away from the city and back to the mountain range is the far more beautiful view.  The snow is melting quickly, and it's so good to see all the lush green.

This has got to be one of the most posed on rocks in the area.

There is a lot of room to wander around up top and get different views (it is truly quite flat and spacious on top of Flat Top).  Alaskans tell it how it is.

And then it was back down.  I have reached the age where going down the mountain is just as hard as going up.  I don't go any faster...I just take fewer breaks.

I will say, I was feeling a little embarrased of my need for so many breaks, but when I realized we made it to the top in about 90 minutes, it takes me about 75 mins to go up Mt Baldy, which is shorter and less difficult.  So I think they group definitely got me to move a bit faster than I do on my solo hikes.  So maybe it wasn't such a bad performance after all.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Mt Baldy....Take 2

The sun poked its head out so I beelined it for Mt Baldy again.  I was anxious to know if all the snow had melted, and still a little sad that I didn't get to the top on the first day out.  Sometimes summers in Alaska are non stop beautiful weather.  But there has been a lot of rainy days the last 2-3 I abandoned the plan to stain the deck and headed out.

Baldy is a great convenient hike, the starting point right in Eagle River, at the top of Skyline drive.  From the parking lot, ascend up the hill past the gate and you will find the wooden Mt Baldy trailhead side.  You can also make your way by staying left of the gate at the parking lot, but I prefer the switchbacks and view on the front face.  The first climb from the parking lot to the trailhead sign is probably the steepest part...everything else is pretty gentle switchbacks.

That said...I was not fueled for performance today and took a ton of little breaks.  This first one if from the bottom third of the hike, looking up towards the finish line.

This is the spot I usually stop and do a little rehydration break.  There are some rocks that make for a natural resting spot, and this spot marks  a transition in the hike where you do just a couple more of tthe winding switchbacks to one very short rocky bit to traverse, and then you duck around the side of the mountain and overlook the valley (and backside of the hike).

Today there was still just a bit of snow.  But easy enough to get through.  Maybe by next week it will be gone.

And I noticed a lot of pretty flowers were poking their way throught.

The valley on the left shows an old house (very decrepit and graffiti filled if you go by that way), and a serene pond.   This is actually my favorite section of this hike.  I love when you climb over the little path and it opens up into even more beautiful scenery.

This very spiky mountain to the right is Blacktail rocks.  One of these days I need to actually go up there (I have been to the base, but not over the top).

The reward at the top -- looking down over Eagle River in all of its lush and picturesque glory.

Of course there are other rewards -- the choice of going forward to Blacktrail rocks on a longer hike.  A descent down the backside of the mountain back to the parking lot.  Or like me, just heading back down the switchbacks and enjoying the view on the way down as well.

And of course, don't forget to get a selfie or group picture from the summit.  It was a little crowded on here today.  I have other photos from other days, so just kept on trucking.

I noticed this little guy in a tree on the way up.  I decided to let him hike back down with me. I will post his picture to an Alaska hiking website, and see if anyone is looking for him.  If not, I will add him to my collection of fosters!  

Once home, the plan was to stain the deck.  However, what appears to be an unhappy Ewok had some other plans.  Not sure if he was disgruntled at my absence, my deck plan, or the stuffed puppy in the garage.  Either way, I scooped up this little fluffball and got this seasons coat of Timber Oil on the deck.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

South Fork Saturday

 The cats don't hike.  So when I get a chance to hike with friends with dogs, I am always totally in.  Meet Rolly.  Rolly did about 8 times the steps we did, running ahead and running back, but I think we all had a good day.  We started at the South Fork trailhead off of Hiland Road in Eagle River.  Today's plan was just walk and hour in to the first bridge and back out.  Rolly is posing here at the finish point.

Rolly behind the South Fork bridge

This is always a beautiful trail, and well trafficked.  We saw several people today, but way less than I was expecting for a Saturday in June.  Must be the persistent snow that is still around.  This trail goes back to Hanging Valley Lake at one fork, or Eagle/Symphony Lakes if you stay the course and go ahead.  On a day with limited time, the first bridge is a great family friendly walk either way.

After a short uphill with about 3 switchbacks, it's a gentle climb along the lower ridge overlooking the river.

To the right you can always branch off up Hunter Pass or to Rendezvous Ridge.  But about 2 miles in you get to this river and the 1st bridge...which is beautiful, and one of my favorite stops along the way to Eagle Symphony Lakes.

This was as far as we went today.  A nice quick catch up with a few folks I hadn't seen in a summer or more, and an introduction to another new face.  

The road back is of courser as pretty as the way in.  We didn't spot any wildlife (other than other dogs out with their people).  And in general I prefer my hikes wildlife free.  I had to try to out trot a moose not recommend.

But plenty of serene skies and mountains to enjoy instead.  And of course it was fun watching Rolly spaz out all the way.  Til next clear weekend!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mt Baldy...2024 Take One

It seems like the last few years in Alaska I have spent a lot of time waiting for sun...and warmth.  After 3 or 4 false springs (the sun shines, it starts to melt, we let our guard down, and boom...snow), and a few thousand flicks of the switch to turn the fireplace on, fireplace off, heater on, heater off, it was finally sunny out!

I have been watching the snow become patchier on the mountains on the drive home from work.  And while I knew there was still snow, I figured there was a good chance I could make it to the top in sneakers.  And the first real vertical of the year, also figured I would be good getting up to around the halfway part where you have to scramble over the rocks.  Pretty sure it was last year I 'postholed' and lost a shoe at about that spot, so I wasn't going to keep going if it was too much snow at that point.  ( in falling through the snow when you take a step and finding out you are thigh of hip deep, and probably more but that's about where you are able to pack in enough snow to stop)

The hike to Mt Baldy begins at the top of Skyline Road in Eagle River, and winds up to a fantastic view on top of the mountain overlooking the town and valley.  This can be done as a 2.9 mile loop, or out and back.  From the parking area, you can choose to go left, which starts our flatter, and bushier and ascends up behind Mt Baldy, or to the right.  My favorite way is to the right.  This first little incline to the trailhead is probably the steepest part.  Note to self.  When there is still snow by the parking lot...there is a lot more above.

I was loving those blue skies and beautiful rows of clouds!  The majority of the hike up this route is switchbacks.  There is ample opportunity for cardiovascular exercise just by setting your pace.  Not much up and down, mostly just ups.  It's a relatively smooth dirty trail, with enough width to stop and step to the side and leave room for folks and dogs to pass.  There are a few spots that can be a bit slick with rain, mud, or snow, but usually it's a great trail.  This is also a well travelled trail, one that I feel comfortable doing alone.  Are there bears about this area?  Yup.  But if there are a lot of cars in the parking area, you are going to be meeting people frequently enough that you aren't super likely to surprise a bear.

It may not yet be full spring, but it's very pretty.  It's hard to tell that whole town of Eagle River is right down below.

Not sure if my camera got foggy here or what, but I thought it was a cool effect.  I was actually making decent time (for me), and only stopped for a couple of breathers.  I was feeling like getting back into shape after my winter hibernation was going to be easier than I thought.  But.  The joy was short lived.  After I rounded the next corner...the snow patches got more continuous.  I, as I always do, figured if I could just push through it, it would be fine.  So I picked my way through and got to the spot where there should have been another switchback...but that's where it was just uphill in slick and half melted snow.  The lady to the right was part of another group tenuously trying to get back down.

To be fair, I do this at the start of every year.  I get over exuberent for spring.  I buy my plants to early and they struggle to survive.  I head to the trails the first sunny days and end up hip deep in snow, rather than enjoying the sun at ground level like a wiser soul.  That said, plenty of people were heading to the top via Microcleats.  I decided to pick my way back through the snow and head down.  That one bad knee will hold up a lot longer if I am not twisting it sliding on ice and unstable steps.

All and all, it was still a good day.  Some mountain time is better than none.  And now I think I shall have to keep going back to see how many weeks until the snow melts off, and write it down to remind myself to wait in the sun with a cocktail next year in May.

did find this odd little caterpillar, and gave him a lift on a twig off the trail and away from thundering feet.  Surely if he is awake, it must be spring soon.  Thought I would share an Alaskan caterpillar.

 Til next weekend...see if I can get a little closer next time!

View from the parking lot.  At least it's greening up at the lower altitudes!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Thunderbird Falls

 After a too long winter, I decided I am going to have to work up to the hikes a a bit.  So thought I would start with an easy one, Thunderbird Falls.  Starting at a State Park parking lot, it's a relatively easy hike to a little waterfall.  All Trails puts it at 1.8 miles.  It starts with an uphill from the parking lot, but then gives you a few ups and downs along the way.

This is a good, easy, roadside hike for tourists looking to stretch their legs along the way./

I did this one with a coworker, a hubby, and a toddler.  We still had some snow covered slick spots down by the falls, but the main part of the trail was clear.  There are a couple of decks to gaze out over the moderate abyss at the skyline, with some interpretive information about the area for those who want a bit of a reading break after the hill.


We followed the path along the wooden boardwalk to the end, and then looped back down and off to the right on a side trail to get to the base of the falls.  Also a great spot for selfies.

Or if you just prefer the scenery, it's a good spot for that too.  So if you are looking for a short and convenient spot to reconvene with nature without investing a huge amount of time, this is a good walk for you.