

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Front yard Forests

Many years ago a friend told me, always take the place with the view.  Even if it's just a snippet.  You will never regret taking the place with the view.  And I realized after spending a lot of time doing short weekend trips to get away from the city that I was in...the goal should be to wake up in your own bed on Saturday am where you would want to be on vacation.

I have never regretted taking this place with the view.

I decided to make today a little more low key, and just stick to exploring  my own front yard, versus a big hike.  I had not yet ambled down to the river just beyond the front door since all the snow melted.

 Along the way, the bluebells were thriving.  Reminds me of the old folk song "around us for gladness the bluebells were ringing, ah yet little thought I how soon we should part."  Now I have that stuck in my head lol.

The river was peaceful and I spent a little time foraging for cool rocks.  I decided I didn't need bug spray for such a quick walk through the forest.  I was wrong.  I was a fine feast for the skeeters.

Alaska flowers are tough little things.  I don't know what this is, but it is lovely, dug into the scraggly, dry rocky dirt and standing against the wind.

Deeper into the woods all of the lush greenery is reaching for the sun.

I am not positive, but I kind of think these are rosehip flowers.  They are certainly in all the spots I picked rosehips last fall.

All of the stumps have their own little vibrant ecosystem.

The view a couple hundred yards from my front door.  My friend was right.  Always go with the place with the view.  This spot has been such a refuge from the craziness of life and work.  I can wake up any morning and go soak in the view and soothe the soul.

Even found a little patch of lupines out front.  Thank you Alaska for finally giving us a sunny weekend!

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