

Saturday, June 1, 2024

South Fork Saturday

 The cats don't hike.  So when I get a chance to hike with friends with dogs, I am always totally in.  Meet Rolly.  Rolly did about 8 times the steps we did, running ahead and running back, but I think we all had a good day.  We started at the South Fork trailhead off of Hiland Road in Eagle River.  Today's plan was just walk and hour in to the first bridge and back out.  Rolly is posing here at the finish point.

Rolly behind the South Fork bridge

This is always a beautiful trail, and well trafficked.  We saw several people today, but way less than I was expecting for a Saturday in June.  Must be the persistent snow that is still around.  This trail goes back to Hanging Valley Lake at one fork, or Eagle/Symphony Lakes if you stay the course and go ahead.  On a day with limited time, the first bridge is a great family friendly walk either way.

After a short uphill with about 3 switchbacks, it's a gentle climb along the lower ridge overlooking the river.

To the right you can always branch off up Hunter Pass or to Rendezvous Ridge.  But about 2 miles in you get to this river and the 1st bridge...which is beautiful, and one of my favorite stops along the way to Eagle Symphony Lakes.

This was as far as we went today.  A nice quick catch up with a few folks I hadn't seen in a summer or more, and an introduction to another new face.  

The road back is of courser as pretty as the way in.  We didn't spot any wildlife (other than other dogs out with their people).  And in general I prefer my hikes wildlife free.  I had to try to out trot a moose not recommend.

But plenty of serene skies and mountains to enjoy instead.  And of course it was fun watching Rolly spaz out all the way.  Til next clear weekend!

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