

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Mt Baldy....Take 2

The sun poked its head out so I beelined it for Mt Baldy again.  I was anxious to know if all the snow had melted, and still a little sad that I didn't get to the top on the first day out.  Sometimes summers in Alaska are non stop beautiful weather.  But there has been a lot of rainy days the last 2-3 I abandoned the plan to stain the deck and headed out.

Baldy is a great convenient hike, the starting point right in Eagle River, at the top of Skyline drive.  From the parking lot, ascend up the hill past the gate and you will find the wooden Mt Baldy trailhead side.  You can also make your way by staying left of the gate at the parking lot, but I prefer the switchbacks and view on the front face.  The first climb from the parking lot to the trailhead sign is probably the steepest part...everything else is pretty gentle switchbacks.

That said...I was not fueled for performance today and took a ton of little breaks.  This first one if from the bottom third of the hike, looking up towards the finish line.

This is the spot I usually stop and do a little rehydration break.  There are some rocks that make for a natural resting spot, and this spot marks  a transition in the hike where you do just a couple more of tthe winding switchbacks to one very short rocky bit to traverse, and then you duck around the side of the mountain and overlook the valley (and backside of the hike).

Today there was still just a bit of snow.  But easy enough to get through.  Maybe by next week it will be gone.

And I noticed a lot of pretty flowers were poking their way throught.

The valley on the left shows an old house (very decrepit and graffiti filled if you go by that way), and a serene pond.   This is actually my favorite section of this hike.  I love when you climb over the little path and it opens up into even more beautiful scenery.

This very spiky mountain to the right is Blacktail rocks.  One of these days I need to actually go up there (I have been to the base, but not over the top).

The reward at the top -- looking down over Eagle River in all of its lush and picturesque glory.

Of course there are other rewards -- the choice of going forward to Blacktrail rocks on a longer hike.  A descent down the backside of the mountain back to the parking lot.  Or like me, just heading back down the switchbacks and enjoying the view on the way down as well.

And of course, don't forget to get a selfie or group picture from the summit.  It was a little crowded on here today.  I have other photos from other days, so just kept on trucking.

I noticed this little guy in a tree on the way up.  I decided to let him hike back down with me. I will post his picture to an Alaska hiking website, and see if anyone is looking for him.  If not, I will add him to my collection of fosters!  

Once home, the plan was to stain the deck.  However, what appears to be an unhappy Ewok had some other plans.  Not sure if he was disgruntled at my absence, my deck plan, or the stuffed puppy in the garage.  Either way, I scooped up this little fluffball and got this seasons coat of Timber Oil on the deck.


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